Ayurvedic treatment of Asthma, is a common inflammatory disease that affects the airways of the lungs, is mostly caused due to allergies. The symptoms of asthma include wheezing, breathlessness or chest tightness, and the conditions can flare up when the person is exposed to pollution or dust or smoke. The symptoms can worsen during the night or when performing a few activities. As there is no cure to get rid of asthma forever, patients can keep themselves away from allergens, and this is what makes it important to keep it under control.

Asthma as per Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, bronchial asthma is called as Tamak Swasa, and this is caused due to the Vata dosha and the Kapha dosha. Tamak Swasa is one of the five types of swasa and occurs when the person is exposed to dust, has eaten heavy or unhealthy food, exposed to extreme cold, etc.

Asthma is caused when there is an increase in the Kapha dosha, and it reversely directs the vata from its natural direction.  When the Vata gets aggravated, it not only increases dryness, disturbing the natural lubrication. This causes symptoms like wheezing, an increase in respiration rate and breathlessness.

Using Ayurveda as an Alternative Treatment to Cure Asthma

Ayurveda is used as an alternative treatment for various illnesses, asthma being one of them. The treatment prescribed to treat asthmatic patients depends on their dosha he/she is suffering from and can vary from one person to another. As the ayurvedic treatments and medicines are all-natural, one need not worry about any side-effects. But make sure you administer medicine or an ayurvedic procedure after being thoroughly checked by an ayurvedic doctor.

Ayurvedic Therapies to Treat Asthma

The Kapha imbalance in the body can be treated by dissolving it in the heat generated during the fomentation process. People who have asthma can massage warm sesame oil on their chest and the back to obtain relief from symptoms.

Ayurveda also uses various therapies that not only loosen the Kapha from the respiratory channel of the body but also help in the right movement of Vata. One of the widely used ayurvedic therapies to treat asthma is Panchakarma. Let us learn more about it in detail.

Use of Panchakarma to Treat Asthma

No one should ever suffer due to the discomfort caused by respiratory disorders. Ayurveda uses panchakarma to treat asthma by improving the overall health of a person’s respiratory system. While Ayurveda like other medications, cannot cure asthma forever, it can build immunity in the body, providing relief from symptoms.

When a person has asthma, he/she has a swollen or constricted respiratory tract that is often filled with mucus. This makes it hard for the person to breathe or even swallow at times. Few patients also experience tightness in the chest and also suffer from cough and shortness of breath. Such patients who experience the symptoms quite often can use ayurvedic therapies and medications to manage the same.

Panchakarma therapies can be used to clean the body of all the harmful toxins, bringing back the balance in the doshas. This not only increases the immunity in the body but also clears up obstructions present in the respiratory system.

The process of panchakarma includes special therapies, most of which are administered based on the patient’s dosha and after the therapies of Svedana and Snehana. 


This is a process where the grahita Kapha is made to dissolve, softening the Kapha in the channels. This resorts the balance of Vata dosha.

Snehana: –

This is a procedure where a massage is provided using herbal oil, which is at times mixed with mild salt. The medicated oil is then massaged gently on the back and the best to loosen the grahita Kapha. In a patient who has asthma, the procedure helps to get rid of any mucus, removing any obstacles from the airways.


Vaman, one of the five Panchakarma therapies, can be called as medicated emesis. During this procedure, the toxins from the body dislodge, freeing the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract.


Virechana, a part of panchakarma, is a process that involves the purification of our body. This not only helps balance symptoms related to asthma but also helps in the healing of various mental and physical illnesses. This is one of the best ayurvedic therapies that can be used to treat illnesses caused due to imbalance of pitta dosha. The patients are given herbal medicines which eliminate the toxins from the anal route. This procedure is known to be very beneficial for patients suffering from asthma or other respiratory disorders.


Nasya is the therapy that includes the installation of medicated oils via the nasal route. Some of the procedures also include inhaling of vapor or powder to treat disorders related to throat, ear, and nose. Nasya helps with the purification of the nasal passage, and this allows a person to breathe well and without any discomfort. Such treatment is recommended for patients who are suffering from migraine, asthma, headaches, and concession.


Vasti is a panchakarma procedure that is used to treat disorders caused due to Vata disorder. The therapy eliminates the Vata dosha via the anal route. Vasti is often used as an alternative treatment to treat obesity, body heaviness and various neurological disorders as well.

To get rid of the harmful toxins from your body forever, one needs to complement the panchakarma therapies with a good diet, exercise and Ayurveda treatment. Patients who have asthma can get immediate relief and stay away from their symptoms with proper care and ayurvedic treatment. It is always advised that a patient undergoes a personalized Nadi pariksha by an ayurvedic doctor for effective results. That’s all about the ayurvedic treatment of asthma.

So, if you have asthma or other respiratory disorders, do not worry. Bid goodbye to discomfort and troublesome symptoms by opting for ayurvedic treatment. Schedule an appointment at your nearest ayurvedic clinic today!